Summer 2019
This seminar will explore some of the enduring questions Milton addresses in Paradise Lost: Does justice exist? What is the nature of evil? Can we know the truth? What are the limits to authority? Discussion will focus on the language and narrative structure of the text and will extend to its literary, philosophical, and historical […]
The Spanish film Director Luis Buñuel played a decisive role in the development of modern cinema and contributed richly to the development of national cinemas in Spain, his country of origin, Mexico and France. A surrealist from the beginning to the end of his long career, Buñuel’s films remained deeply experimental and socially engaged simultaneously. […]
Despite their breakup almost 50 years ago, The Beatles remain unquestionably relevant to today’s musicians. While this stems in part from their role in pop culture, it was their transformative music that secured this lasting influence. In this course, we will study The Beatles’ albums chronologically, focusing on the structure and ingenuity of the music […]
Constitutions serve as the basic blueprint for a government, as they provide the foundation and describe the structure for how a community will govern itself. The United States Constitution is often used as a model for creating a government, but it is only one of many possible ways to allocate government functions. In this course, […]
From our species’ earliest moments, we have played. Mancala. Tabula. Chess. Noughts and Crosses. Monopoly. Bridge. Cops & Robbers. Halo. Minecraft. Cards Against Humanity. The list of contrivances that different peoples, communities, and cultures have devised to entertain themselves is endless. But more than a distinct category of human activity—one that supplements but stands apart […]