Summer 2022



10 Am - 12 PM (AZ Time)


August 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course explores the people, processes and places that fostered the technological and artistic creativity of potters, sculptors, and temple builders in ancient Greece. Our topics range from the arduous apprenticeship of a potter glorified by ancient philosophers as the […]



4 PM - 6 PM (AZ Time)


July 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, and 17, 2022

Sherlock Holmes never actually uttered the words, “Elementary, my dear Watson!” but this and other iconic traces of the detective have lasted for over a century. There have been more than 60 film adaptations of Holmes, including versions in which he is portrayed by a mouse, a dog, and at least once as a woman. […]



10 Am - 12 PM (AZ Time)


June 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, and July 7, 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses Arid and semiarid environments, commonly known as “deserts,” make up about one-third of the earth’s land surface and are home to more than one billion people. We will begin this course by discussing the geographical features of desert regions, answering […]



10 AM - 12 PM


April 29, May 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses Leonard Bernstein embraced a remarkable range of roles in his career, including composer, conductor, pianist, educator, multimedia pioneer, and engaged citizen. This course presents him as one of our towering cultural figures. We will examine the intersections among Bernstein’s musical […]



10 AM - 12 PM (AZ Time)


April 28, May 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses The Hangzhou region has long been one of China’s most important cultural hubs and has had a wide-ranging impact on Chinese culture and Buddhism throughout East Asia. It came to prominence in the 10th century, when Hangzhou served as the […]



1 PM - 4 PM (AZ Time)


April 25, May 2, 9, and 16, 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses The Christian religion is inextricably bound up with contemporary culture in America and around the globe. Yet, even after centuries of scholarly inquiry, numerous questions regarding its historical origins remain contested and unanswered. This course probes several: How did Jesus […]