Spring 2022

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course centers on the recent, brilliant film 1917 as a touchstone for discussing the literature, film, music, and painting of World War I. Sam Mendez’s movie was nominated for ten academy awards, including best picture, in 2020. The course […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course will cover the history of the oldest field of science, from prehistory and the ancient Greeks to research on the earliest instants of our 14-billion-year-old universe. We will be looking at the history of ideas and discoveries and […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses Birds do it. Bees do it. Microbes do it, and people do it. Throughout nature organisms cooperate with each other. Humans have always been deeply attracted to the idea of cooperation–yet we regularly succumb to the temptation to cheat. Why […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses In this course we will dive into classic works of science fiction, from the origins of the genre in the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells to the “golden age” masters Clarke, Bradbury, Heinlein, and Asimov. In addition […]

This course analyzes and traces the history of Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the Opera from the novel through several adaptations to get at the reasons why–like Frankenstein and Dracula–this Gothic tale has deep symbolic significance for Western audiences. We start with the Leroux’s basic ingredients and the significance of how he combined them. Then […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course surveys twentieth-century architectural and urban theory by focusing on key themes and modalities of design practice that inform its purpose and philosophies. Modern architecture is modern because it incorporates theory in its technological and spatial orientation. That theory […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses We will study four Jane Austen novels and the reasons for their perennial appeal. Austen combines the patterns of romance—where the principal couple surmounts obstacles separating them and eventually marry—and the Bildungsroman—where the lovers come to know one another and […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses There are people and epochs in history that are never entirely put to rest, chief among them the figure of Stalin. Among many Russians today there remains a nostalgic longing for the strong-arm figure he represented and for the leader […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses Ever fascinating, ancient Greek mythology still inspires multimedia creative expressions. We will see why as we thematically explore a diverse array of delightful ancient tales. First, creation tales of the earth and deities, gender, and generational conflicts that end with […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course is devoted to applying a range of competing moral theories to contemporary moral problems like euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, world famine, the moral basis for and limits to war (just-war theory), the nature and wrongness of racism and […]

Attend In Person OR Online! See Below for full details about our new Hybrid courses This course looks at Earth’s history from beginning to end, focusing on key events or processes that have shaped our planet, the emergence of life, and our species. I have traveled widely and can tell many stories that I hope […]