MARILYN HEINS is a retired pediatrician, parent, grandparent, columnist, author, and nonagenarian who has attended over 60 HSP courses and served on the HSP Board. She is a retired pediatrician and medical school educator who came to Tucson in 1979 to serve as associate, then vice, dean and professor of pediatrics at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She began to feel that parents needed more advice on parenting than could be provided in an office visit. In 1989, she wondered if she could help by writing a parenting column and approached the Arizona Daily Star. She was hired and the Star has published well over a million of her words. As she aged she began to write columns on aging and decided to write a book on aging. A Traveler’s Guide to Geriatrica, was published in 2020.
Marilyn Heins
Professor Emerita
College of Medicine