Melissa Tatum

Melissa Tatum

MELISSA TATUM is a professor at the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law, where she specializes in Indian law and tribal government. She has spent more than two decades working in Indian country, and most of her work involves the structure and...
Barbara Atwood

Barbara Atwood

BARBARA ANN ATWOOD is the Mary Anne Richey Professor of Law Emerita at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, specializing in family law and civil procedure.  After graduating from the University of Arizona College of Law in 1976, she clerked for...
Greg Sakall

Greg Sakall

GREG SAKALL is a Guest Lecturer at the University of Arizona. He is also a Superior Court Judge in Pima County. He teaches undergraduate and law school courses. He has received a Professor of Practice teaching award from the students at the law school, as well as a...
Endre Stavang

Endre Stavang

ENDRE STAVANG is Professor of Law at the University of Oslo and  was a Visiting Scholar in Residence  at the University of Arizona  James E. Rogers College of Law (2012-2013). He initiated the Research Group on Natural Resource Law in Oslo and leads its property team....
Robert Glennon

Robert Glennon

Robert Glennon is a Regents Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona College of Law and author of the highly acclaimed Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It.  One of the nation’s preeminent experts on water policy and law.  Glennon serves...