Laura C. Berry

Laura C. Berry

LAURA C. BERRY is Associate Professor of English at the University of Arizona.  She is the author of The Child, the State and the Victorian Novel, and numerous articles on Dickens, the Brontes, George Eliot, and Victorian literature and culture.  She received her...
Herbert Schneidau

Herbert Schneidau

HERBERT SCHNEIDAU, Professor Emeritus, was educated at Dartmouth and Princeton. He has taught the Bible as literature for more than forty years and is the author of numerous books and articles about the Bible and its place in Western and English literature, narrative...
Lynda Zwinger

Lynda Zwinger

LYNDA ZWINGER is Professor of English, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Affiliated Faculty in Gender and Women’s Studies, and Editor of Arizona Quarterly at the University of Arizona. She specializes in the novel and late-19th- to early-20th-century American...
Charles Scruggs

Charles Scruggs

CHARLES SCRUGGS is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of American literature at the University of Arizona. He has written books and articles on African-American Literature and film, and he is presently working on a book on Claude McKay, a Harlem Renaissance novelist...
Stephanie Troutman

Stephanie Troutman

STEPHANIE TROUTMAN is Assistant Professor of Emerging Literacies in Rhetoric, Composition and the Teaching of English. She is an affiliated faculty member in the Institute for LGBT Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies, and Faculty Coordinator of the award-winning...
Jerry Hogle

Jerry Hogle

JERROLD E. HOGLE (Ph.D., Harvard University) is UA Distinguished Professor in English. Former President of the International Gothic Association and a Guggenheim, Mellon, and Huntington Library Fellow for research–and recent winner of the Distinguished Scholar Award...
Thomas P. Miller

Thomas P. Miller

THOMAS P. MILLER is a Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Arizona. His research focuses on rhetoric, higher education, and leadership, particularly the coalitional leadership of early-career faculty and new-majority students. His history of college...
Peter Medine

Peter Medine

PETER E. MEDINE is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, where he served in the English Department from 1969 to 2014. He has written, edited, or coedited seven books in Early Modern English studies. His most recent coedited book is Visionary Milton: Essays...
Meg Lota Brown

Meg Lota Brown

MEG LOTA BROWN is Professor of English and Director of the UA Graduate Center. She is the author or editor of four books and has published numerous articles on Reformation politics, Renaissance literature, science, art, gender, theology, and authors from Shakespeare...
Tyler Meier

Tyler Meier

Tyler Meier is the Executive Director of the University of Arizona Poetry Center and an Affiliated Faculty member with the Department of English.  His poetry and prose have appeared in Poetry, Boston Review, Indiana Review, Washington Square Review and elsewhere. ...