RE-RELEASE – Supreme Court Cases During A Pandemic

Greg Sakall
Summer 2023
Originally Offered: Fall 2021 |  
(5 Two-Hour Classes)
Available for a Limited Time
Course Format: Hybrid
Location: Online
Tuition: $95

The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to many legal and sociopolitical debates. This course will review the US Supreme Court’s role in those debates. The course will start off with a review of the Court’s 2020-2021 term. We will then explore in greater detail issues including individual liberties, compulsory vaccinations, COVID regulations and religious objections to the same, and qualified immunity for law enforcement officers. Readings will focus on recent and historical Supreme Court decisions, and discussion will be encouraged. The final lecture will look ahead toward the cases and issues, including abortion and the Second Amendment, which the Supreme Court will consider in its 2021-2022 term.

Ted and Shirley Taubeneck Superior Teaching Award
— 2021 Award-Winning Course —

The teaching excellence displayed in this course earned this professor the highest honor that the Humanities Seminars Program has to bestow: the Ted and Shirley Taubeneck Superior Teaching Award. This award is given annually by the Humanities Seminars Program. It is based entirely on student evaluations and seeks to honor the pedagogical skill, depth of expertise, and commitment to students demonstrated by the most outstanding faculty who teach for the Humanities Seminars Program.

We are delighted to re-release this award-winning course
during the Summer 2023 season.

  • This course is offered as a recording. No live class sessions or meetings are scheduled with the professor or fellow students. Enrolled students will have the opportunity to connect with fellow students via an online discussion board if desired; however, participation is entirely voluntary.
  • Access – enrolled students have complete access to course materials via the HSP Learning Portal online from the day of their registration until August 31, 2023. On September 1, 2023, the class video recordings will be removed; however, students will retain access to all other course materials online.
  • Price – has been reduced from our regular course tuition rates. Enrollment provides access to all course materials, including the original syllabus, reading materials, and video recordings of all class sessions for a limited time.
  • 2021 Superior Teaching Award Course Package – four courses were awarded in 2021 and all four are being re-released for a limited time during the Summer 2023 season. Students who desire to purchase the complete set of four award-winning courses will receive an additional $50 registration discount (applied automatically during registration). This represents a $330 total discount or almost 60% in savings compared to our regular tuition price for these courses.

Registration Will Open Online:
Monday, April 10, 2023, at 8 AM (AZ Time)

Required Reading
  • No textbook is required. All readings will be distributed to students electronically.

Meet Your Instructor

Superior Court Judge

GREG SAKALL is a Guest Lecturer at the University of Arizona. He is also a Superior Court Judge in Pima County. He teaches undergraduate and law school courses. He has received a Professor of Practice teaching award from the students at the law school, as well as a Ted & Shirley Taubeneck Superior Teaching Award, Humanities Series Program in 2019 and 2021. Before joining the bench, he was a practicing attorney in Tucson for 12 years.



Classes will be live streamed during the time and dates specified in the course details section above. Instructions about how to access the course online will be sent to all enrolled students before the course begins.

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