Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest

David Byrne
Summer 2016
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
May 3- May 31, 2016
Course Format: Hybrid
Location: Main Campus
Tuition: $135.00

While many people living in Tucson and its surroundings are experienced outdoor aficionados, many lack an understanding of our near neighbors–those plants and animals that live close to us in our urban environment. Certainly we can choose to ignore the flora and fauna of our desert community and function reasonably well. Our lives are enriched, however, if we take the time to develop a better understanding of our companion species. Developing this awareness/knowledge ?is the goal of this course. Using ecology, the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and their environment, we will also explore how these species interrelate. Lectures will explain some basic biological principles, how deserts are defined, how our deserts align themselves, and how biological organisms connect. Finally, students will get a sampling of information about the major types of flora and fauna that live near us.

Recommended Reading

Phillips, Steven John and Patricia Wentworth Comus. Eds. A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert. University of California Press, 2015. ISBN-10: 0520287479.

Meet Your Professor

David Byrne

Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus in Entomology, DAVID N. BYRNE attended San Jose State College and got his PhD at the University of Idaho. He then joined the faculty of the College of Agriculture and Life Science, and taught a variety of courses relating to applied entomology and insect biology. He spent summer months in Yuma characterizing the dispersal and bionomics of the sweet potato whitefly, and in the laboratory studied its migratory behavior. 


Dorothy Rubel Room
1508 E Helen
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States

Located on the SE corner of Helen Street and Vine Avenue, one block north of Speedway and three blocks west of Campbell Ave.

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