by bartmann | Apr 4, 2024
The Ring cycle is Wagner’s triumphant realization of the ideal he called the “total art work,” combining music and drama with poetry, dance, painting, and even architecture. But it’s not just formal spectacle. The plot extends from the beginning of...
by bartmann | Apr 4, 2024
August Wilson left as his legacy a ten-play cycle that documents each decade of the 20th century in terms of the African American experience. In his plays Wilson adeptly explores key historical moments in the so-called “American Century.” The course begins with Gem of...
by bartmann | Apr 4, 2024
This course analyzes and traces the history of Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the Opera from the novel through several adaptations to get at the reasons why–like Frankenstein and Dracula–this Gothic tale has deep symbolic significance for Western...
by bartmann | Apr 4, 2024
One testament to the impact of Ancient Greek tragedy is its enduring relevance. In this course, we’ll examine one story told over and over again over the millennia: The murder of the Greek warlord by the Agamemnon by his wife Clytemnestra and his cousin Aegisthus....