Latin America Through Film

Yadira Berigan
Fall 2021
9 AM - 12 PM (AZ Time)
September 30, October 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2021
Course Format: Hybrid
Location: Main Campus
Tuition: $185

This course provides a historical overview of Latin America through films. Special attention is paid to the different conceptualizations of the political, social and artistic purposes of film. This course takes a cultural studies approach to film; that is, it involves analysis taking into consideration the following: 1. Text (characters, plot, story, etc.); 2. Context (historical and geographical specificities of when/where the film was produced). We will screen one movie per class and, students might be required to read articles related to the movies before class. Be advised that most of the films we watch will not be entertaining in the way we think of Hollywood film entertainment. Some films will be in Spanish or Portuguese with English subtitles.

NEW – Hybrid Course Format

  • All classes will be delivered both in person and online via live video streaming. Students will enroll in their preferred format during registration.
  • In person classes will be held in the Rubel Room at the University of Arizona’s Poetry Center (1508 E Helen St, Tucson, AZ 85721). Enrollment for in person classes is limited by classroom capacity and offered on a first come, first served basis. All students attending on campus will observe the relevant University of Arizona policies designed to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 (more information here). Students who enroll to attend in person will also have complete online access to the course including all class recordings.
  • Online students may attend all classes via live video streaming and will be able to participate in all course Q&A sessions with the professor in real time. Students may also access class recordings for a limited time to assist those who may not be able to attend the live class times. Online access will be password protected and only available to enrolled students.

Registration will open online on Monday, August 9, 2021 at 8 AM (AZ Time)

Meet Your Professor

Yadira Berigan

Associate Professor

YADIRA BERIGAN was born in Costa Rica and moved to the United States when she was 21. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Arizona. She studied Economics, Linguistics, and has a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Arizona. Her area of interest centers around the political events that have shaped Latin America. In addition, she is truly interested in women’s movements; such as the Mothers of la Plaza de mayo in Argentina.


Dorothy Rubel Room
1508 E Helen
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States

Located on the SE corner of Helen Street and Vine Avenue, one block north of Speedway and three blocks west of Campbell Ave.

Street map image of Poetry Center

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