Boris Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago and the Politics of Russian Literary Dissent

Adele Barker
Fall 2023
1 PM - 3 PM
November 1, 8, 15, 29, December 6, and 13, 2023
Course Format: Hybrid
Location: Main Campus
Tuition: $195

Russia has never gotten Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago out of its system. This course will take us deep into the most controversial novel written during the Soviet era. Tolstoyan in its sweep, Dr. Zhivago is a stunning indictment of the system that attempted to engineer human life and an equally stunning meditation on the power of art to survive turbulent times. Pasternak was, above all, a poet. Dr. Zhivago was the only novel he ever wrote, and as such, we will be reading the prose of a poet. We will look at the poetic tradition to which Pasternak belonged, as well as the Zhivago poems that are key to understanding the philosophical core of the novel. Pasternak called it “a novel about us,” yet he could not get Dr. Zhivago published in his own country. The fate of Pasternak’s novel tells us much about how literary dissent functioned in the Soviet Union, but what can Pasternak and his novel speak to the world where Russia finds itself today?

Registration Will Open Online:
Monday, August 7, 2023, at 8 AM (AZ Time)

Required Reading

Either Edition:

  • Pasternak, Boris. Doctor Zhivago, trans. Max Hayward and Manya Harari (Pantheon, 1958; 1997). *
  • Pasternak, Boris. Doctor Zhivago, trans. Pevear and Volokonsky (Vintage, 2011).*

*Note from Adele: These are the two translations most easily available. You may choose either. I will be working out of the Hayward and Harari, but I will have both translations with me in class so that we can all literally be on the same page.

Recommended Reading
  • Finn, Peter and Couvee, Petra. The Zhivago Affair, The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle over a Forbidden Book (Vintage, 2014).

Meet Your Professor

Adele Barker

Professor Emerita

ADELE BARKER is professor emerita in the Russian Department and has taught Russian and Soviet literature and film for 35 years. She has lived, studied, and traveled widely throughout Russia and the Soviet Union. She is the author/editor of five books on Russian literature and popular culture and works in creative nonfiction. She has taught seven courses for the Humanities Seminars Program.


Dorothy Rubel Room
1508 E Helen
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States

Located on the SE corner of Helen Street and Vine Avenue, one block north of Speedway and three blocks west of Campbell Ave.

Street map image of Poetry Center

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