Jay Rosenblatt

Jay Rosenblatt

JAY ROSENBLATT earned his B.A. in Piano Performance and M.A. in Musicology from UCLA and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, also in Musicology. He joined the School of Music at the University of Arizona in 1995. For the past twenty-eight years, he has taught...
Don Traut

Don Traut

Don Traut is a music theory professor at the University of Arizona where he teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in musical theory, structure, and analysis.  His research focuses primarily on the music of Igor Stravinsky, popular music, and on the patterns...
Daniel Asia

Daniel Asia

DANIEL ASIA has been Professor of Music at the University of Arizona since 1988 and director of the UA Center for American Culture and Ideas since its founding in 2008. He recently received a Music Academy Award from the American Academy of Arts Letters, as well as...